My Skills


html5 HTML 5
css CSS
sass SASS
react Javascript
react React
typescript Typescript


nodejs Node Js
mongodb Mongo DB
postgresql PostgreSQL
python Python
express Express
firebase FireBase


Axbridge Partners

A proffessional looking Frontend layout built for a Law Firm.

Built using Next.js, TypeScript, React, and SASS.

Todo Jobs

A web APP for keeping track of my job applications.

Built using TypeScript, React, Nodejs, Express and MongoDB.

MHK Interiors

This is a web page designed in Adobe XD and developed into a functional website by me. The project features a clean, modern layout that is optimized for desktop and mobile devices.

Built using TypeScript, React, HTML, and SASS.

Just Books

Search for books by name, author, or publisher. Users can create and manage lists and also add favourite books to their lists. Some other features include advanced search, nested comments, view recent searches. This project utilizes the Google Books API.

Built using TypeScript, React.js, Nodejs, Express, and MongoDB.

VF Apparel

An E-commerce website.

Built with React, TypeScript, Redux and Styled components.

Punk API

A web APP to view and filter beers from Punk API

Built with Next.js, react, TypeScript and Styled components.


A Full-Stack Web APP for hotel reservation and management. (Still in development)

Built using TypeScript, React and Django for Backend.

Portfolio Website

You are looking at my simple and responsive portfolio website.

Built using SASS, Javascript, and Jquery.

Staff Info

Simple dashboard to view staff list and departments. As well as search, add, edit and delete staff.

Built using React, PostgreSQL, Node.js, and Express.

Classified Ads Platform ( clone)

All-in-One Marketplace where users can buy or list different products for sale. Includes features like Notifications, Chat, User follow, Rate user and Add favourites.

Built using React.js, Redux, Nodejs, Express, MongoDB, and

URL Shortener

Shorten, customize and track URLs.

Built using React, Redux, Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.

Recipe Search

Recipe search using Forkify API.

Built using Reactjs.

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